
Landscapes in Iceland: amongst ice and silence

The Around Heart team - Gabriele Careddu, Maurizio Casula and Livio Mudulu - travelled to Iceland and has given us food for thought with regard to the fragile beauty of nature.

Landscapes in Iceland: amongst ice and silence The Around Heart team - Gabriele Careddu, Maurizio Casula and Livio Mudulu - travelled to Iceland and has given us food for thought with regard to the fragile beauty of nature. Photographs of a pristine land, where man's mark is lost in the vastness of glaciers and boundless plains. 

Around Heart was generated by the desire of three young Sardinian guys to discover and photograph unique landscapes and natural, priceless assets around the world. Their latest trip took them to Iceland. Travelling first to the more famous, popular places, they then ended up at the huge Icelandic glaciers
The team really explored this land, trusting their intuition and sometimes running risks. These decisions produced a composite reportage of Iceland itself, formed of technically impeccable pictures brimming with emotions. 
In the first place, the photos are a narrative of the relationship between humans and nature. Here in Iceland, man's influence outside the inhabited towns is seen in isolated apparitions of churches or lighthouses. This human architecture is dwarfed by the natural architecture of mountains, waterfalls and caves; they are surreal-looking, as if they ended up here by accident. 
Ice is also the ever-changing protagonist of other photos. Small streams spring from the many glaciers, they turn into rivers, and energetically power across the territory. In their attempts to catch these changes, the photographers came face to face with a mind-blowing beauty. At the same time, they have captured the fragility of this nature, endangered by today's global warming. 
But the strength of this Iceland project, pursued by Around Heart lies in what normally escapes photography technique that they managed to grasp: sound, and its absence. In a photograph of an iced-over cave or a rushing river, you can almost hear those "cosmic sounds of the water" (to quote). Against this, the huge expanses of ice and the northern lights reference complete silence. When you look at these faraway, unknown landscapes, you inevitably to run the risk of experience Stendhal syndrome.
Around Heart's desire for adventure won't be limited to Iceland. The team is about to set off on a 30-day tour of Europe of about 10000 kilometres. Their ongoing goal is to discover the beauty - known and unknown - that our continent offers. Around Heart's aim is encompassed in their slogan "Enjoy your freedom" and they intend to cross every border in their continuous search for what our planet has to offer, and of what - in our ignorance - we risk losing.

Barbara Esposito

Around Heart (Gabriele Careddu,Maurizio Casula, Livio Mudulu)
Website: http://www.around-heart.com

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