
Opening of the Chicago Architecture Biennial

Sou Fujimoto, Tatiana Bilbao,


The Chicago Architecture Biennial officially opened on 3 October and until 3 January 2016 visitors can find out all about “The State of The Art of Architecture”, the title of this very first edition.

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Opening of the Chicago Architecture Biennial The Chicago Architecture Biennial officially opened on 3 October and until 3 January 2016 visitors can find out all about “The State of The Art of Architecture”, the title of this very first edition.

“Chicago Architecture Biennial. The State of The Art of Architecture” has opened its doors to the wider public: lovers of architecture, urban planning and landscape design have until 3 January 2016 to dive into the overwhelmingly extensive programme of exhibitions, debates and events taking place all over the city.

The  first Chicago Architecture Biennial - the largest international event of its kind in North America - is dedicated to the state of the art of architecture, just one more example of the increasingly significant part that architecture and related tradecrafts play in our lives. It is fantastic to see the involvement of all the institutions in Chicago - museums, academia, the private sector  - working together in truly notable synergy, as if they wanted to emphasise the real need to design spaces where people can meet and communicate.

The comeback from the press preview augurs very well, as do the very high-key participants with transverse and innovative ideas, people like Sou Fujimoto, Tatiana Bilbao, Kéré Architecture, Gramazio Kohler Research, just to mention a few. Visitors are spoiled for choice with offers ranging from art installations to films, urban planning debates to guided tours of Chicago's many architecture icons. 

Not surprisingly, word has it that this zero edition of the Chicago Architecture Biennial could mark a real change in the concept and perception of architecture biennials in general, a very interesting claim, also bearing in mind the upcoming Venice Architecture Biennale.

Christiane Bürklein

Chicago Architecture Biennial: The State of the Art of Architecture
from 03 October 2015 to 03 January 2016
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Images: Courtesy of Chicago Architecture Biennial - 
Links: http://chicagoarchitecturebiennial.org/