
Environmental art in Tuscany - Insolito risveglio n. 2



Engaging with nature and leaving a mark that is sustainable for both parties involved.

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Environmental art in Tuscany - Insolito risveglio n. 2 Engaging with nature and leaving a mark that is sustainable for both parties involved. This is what is happening at the Alpine Pass in Tuscany, with the latest installation by Pietrasanta-based artist Stefano Pierotti. “Insolito risveglio n. 2” focuses our attention on the Apuan Alps. 

Art and nature is a creative combination that needs a very special gallery to be able to give vent to its finest expression, namely the landscape, which sets the scene for the exhibition and is actually an integral part of the artwork itself.
After his foray into Marina di Pietrasanta with the temporary installation “Insolito Risveglio”  (unusual awakening) created using wood from the trees that fell during the terrible storms that lashed Versiglia on 5 March 2015, Pietrasanta-based artist, Stefano Pierotti, has now chosen the Apuan Alps for his latest venture into environmental art, the difference being that this time it is authorised and will remain in place.

Man has left his mark in the Apuan Alps, whose marble was already quarried by the Romans for buildings and sculptures, and which is still being quarried now. In this environment, Pierotti's artwork is particularly important, because it has been created a thousand metres above sea level and is made from recycled timber - just like his previous installation “Insolito Risveglio”.

The more than 3-metre tall tongues of black painted wood, fixed with steel cables and screws are marked by bleeding wounds (referencing the suffering of nature, of man). We must stress that the artist carried this work to the top of the Alps on his back, and now it stands against a breathtakingly beautiful backdrop, with the blue Tyrrhenian Sea on one side and the rocky slopes of the Apuan Alps on the other. A kind of portal on the peak, a symbol that can be interpreted in so many ways, and whose intent is to connect the elements of nature.

Insolito Risveglio n. 2 is sustainable art that brings man and nature together, in a bold but at the same time humble gesture, almost as if it were asking for forgiveness. It makes the most of a land whose richness is too often reduced to marble quarries or to seaside resorts. 

Christiane Bürklein

Porject: Stefano Pierotti www.stefanopierotti.com
Location: Passo dell'Alpino, località Mosceta, Versiglia, Italy
Year: 2015
Images: © Stefano Pierotti, © Gianni Berti, © Stefano de Franceschi
with 2Luoghi