
A wagon to boost culture in Ecuador.


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  3. A wagon to boost culture in Ecuador.

A wagon to boost culture in Ecuador.
A coastline railway line in Ecuador has been brought back to life and turned into an opportunity for both physical and cultural reconnection, thanks to the “Vagón del Saber” project by architecture practice Al Borde.

Achieving the greatest number of uses with a minimum of elements.

Starting from this basis, the young design team from Al Borde have converted an old railway wagon into a multipurpose cultural centre on rails. In doing so, they have turned the train’s environmental sustainability in social sustainability.

The crux of the whole operation is the flexibility of the space which can be adapted for a range of uses, including a theatre, a library and even a public space, aided by the bespoke furniture designed with the help of industrial designers.

So, the “wagon of knowledge” takes culture to the townships along the coastal railway line of Ecuador, reviving the railway track and freely promoting cultural ideas and initiatives.

Project: Al Borde arquitectos, http://www.albordearq.com
Location: Ecuador
Year: 2012
Photography: Al Borde, Cyril Nottelet - Courtesy of Al Borde arquitectos