Tag Natura Futura Arquitectura

El Atrapasueños, Natura Futura Arquitectura and Ruta 4


El Atrapasueños, Natura Futura Arquitectura and Ruta 4

Natura Futura Arquitectura and their latest project - with Ruta4 from Colombia - have created an installation that is a tangible manifesto of the community, landscapes and strategies for local revival, all as part of the TSL Canoa 2017 workshop in Ecuador.

La Pesca by Natura Futura Arquitectura, Ecuador


La Pesca by Natura Futura Arquitectura, Ecuador

The young architects from Ecuadorian studio Natura Futura Arquitectura worked with local residents to refurbish a fishmonger's in Babahoyo in the province of Los Ríos, Ecuador.

Poetry and landscape: El Portal Invisible


Poetry and landscape: El Portal Invisible

With “El Portal Invisible”, Ecuador-based architecture firm Natura Futura Arquitectura has declared its love for the natural landscape, by building an invitation to sit back and indulge your senses in a contemplation of the western slopes of the Andes.

Proyecto Chacras Natura Futura Arquitectura Colectivo Cronopios


Proyecto Chacras Natura Futura Arquitectura Colectivo Cronopios

The architects from Natura Futura Arquitectura with Colectivo Cronopios have built a sustainable house in Chacras, in the province of El Oro, Ecuador for a family who lost their home in the April earthquake.

A House for Someone Like Me, Natura Futura Arquitectura


A House for Someone Like Me, Natura Futura Arquitectura

Ecuadorian architecture firm Natura Futura Arquitectura has designed a house whose name - as is the studio's habit - is a programme.

The House of a Thousand and One Tales by Natura Futura


The House of a Thousand and One Tales by Natura Futura

The architects from Natura Futura Arquitectura, Ecuador have constructed a house that plays with the duality of every aspect of our existence, constructing a building that has become a built story full of surprises and suspense.

El Tallercito by Natura Futura Arquitectura


El Tallercito by Natura Futura Arquitectura

Natura Futura Arquitectura designed its own architecture offices in Babahoyo, in the province of Los Rios, Ecuador.

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