
Landart at its finest. Tony Plant, UK.



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  3. Landart at its finest. Tony Plant, UK.

Landart at its finest. Tony Plant, UK.
Walking along the Cornwall coastline and being lucky enough to come across one of Tony Plant’s artworks is a unique experience. Sand drawings sending their message to passersby with complete respect for the environment. A temporary work that leaves its mark only on the spectators and not on nature.

For over 20 years, Tony Plant has used nature as the media for his ephemeral installations, adopting simple methods to create drawings in the sand on the beaches along the Cornwall coast. Until the high tide washes away the work of art, leaving nature whole again. So, the beach becomes a magical board that the artist uses to give expression to harmonious drawings that bring to mind Zen gardens on a macro scale.

However, the difference between the British artist’s work and the Zen concept is not only the large dimension of his installations, but the profound ties with the landscape, because it is the natural setting that shows up the drawings created in the damp sand. The creative process itself is therefore influenced by the direct contact with the material and the forces of nature.

This intimate connection with the natural landscape is in turn transmitted to the passersby who come across these works, as testified by the photographs that show children and adults playing with the figures they find, being drawn in by the magic of environmental art.

Thanks to the photograph, we can admire Tony Plant’s works even after the high tide has washed them away, perceiving that sweet poetry which makes use of nature without leaving a lasting footprint.
LandArt in the true sense of the word, ephemeral by design, art which can stimulate new creative processes in the people who see and participate in the work.

Project: Tony Plant, http://www.tonyplant.co.uk
Location: Cornwall, UK
Fotografia: courtesy of Tony Plant
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/channels/tonyplant
Instagram: http://instagram.com/tonyplant