
floornaturelive Biennale 2014. Estonian pavilion Interspace



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floornaturelive Biennale 2014. Estonian pavilion Interspace
Interspace, the Estonian exhibition presented at the 2014 architecture biennale in Venice, explores IT society and how new technologies on the web have changed the way architecture communicates. It is an exploration of the relationship of physical and digital space in the public realm.

With their exhibition “Interspace" ("Vaba ruum" in Estonian), the young curators of the Estonian pavilion, Johanna Jõekalda, Johan Tali and Siim Tuksam explore the coexistence of physical and digital space. Concepts that fall completely in discussion of the creation of public space, even more so now where the digital world has drastically changed the relations of time and space.

So, the Estonian pavilion and its interactive installation Interspace becomes a spatial structure that rises out of the flow of information that we continuously send through our digital devices, leaving digital prints in cyberspace that can be connected to geographic coordinates thanks to the extensive use of apps for geolocation.

Whereas this kind of information has been too often used  to propose centralised development models, the Estonian research explores another direction, namely a model for participative processing of this data. It sounds like a paradox, this "creation of maximum freedom through the massive use of user data", but an approach like this accommodates everyone who is in the spatial design game. 

Particularly now, where each and every one of us becomes of precious help to interpret the information flow not only in digital but also in physical space, in order to really create a public space customised for the users. 

Johanna Jõekalda, Johan Tali, Siim Tuksam, Reinis Adovics (kroko / WARP)
Commissioned by: Ülar Mark.
Curators: Joanna Jõekalda, Johan Tali, Siim Tuksam.
Location: Pavilion at the Arsenale
Photography: Johan Tali

14th International Architecture Exhibitions – Fundamentals
dates: 7 June - 23 november 2014
location: Venice (Italy)