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CTBUH Urban Habitat Award for skyscrapers and urban context


CTBUH Urban Habitat Award for skyscrapers and urban context

Architecture’s impact on its context, whether natural or urban, goes farther than the footprint of the building itself; a skyscraper, for example, becomes a landmark visible from a great distance away. The CTBUH presents annual awards for tall buildings that have a positive impact on their surroundings. We take a look at the candidates for the 2018 awards.

MAD Architects - Chaoyang Park Plaza, Beijing


MAD Architects - Chaoyang Park Plaza, Beijing

Photos by Iwan Baan and Hufton+Crow capture the relationship between the city of Beijing and the Chaoyang Park Plaza skyscraper, designed by MAD Architects, the studio headed by architect Ma Yansong. They offer an image of architecture in its urban setting.

Asia and Australia’s best skyscrapers at the 2018 CTBUH Awards


Asia and Australia’s best skyscrapers at the 2018 CTBUH Awards

Asia and Australia have the largest number of skyscrapers competing for the 2018 CTBUH Awards, with fully 9 tall buildings. China is the country with the most candidates for awards

The best skyscrapers in the Middle East and Africa nominated for the 2018 CTBUH Awards


The best skyscrapers in the Middle East and Africa nominated for the 2018 CTBUH Awards

Four skyscrapers in the Africa and Middle East macro-region have been nominated by the CTBUH for the distinction of Best Tall Building Middle East & Africa 2018.

Europe’s most beautiful skyscrapers at the 2018 CTBUH Awards


Europe’s most beautiful skyscrapers at the 2018 CTBUH Awards

CTBUH has announced the names of the finalists shortlisted in all categories of the 2018 CTBUH Awards. Here are Europe’s five best tall buildings.

New record for skyscrapers: the CTBUH’s 2017 report


New record for skyscrapers: the CTBUH’s 2017 report

The time has come for reckoning the balance of the past year, and the CTBUH has published its study of the skyscrapers built in 2017.

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