Edifici pubblici

Projects, solutions and new ideas applied to architecture by international designers, critically analysed with explanatory images. A selection of the most interesting buildings and research on today’s architectural scene, to make sure you don’t miss any of the new developments in architectural culture. Floornature constantly updates, exhibits and catalogues this overview of international architecture and the great architects of today.


Fügenschuh: New school in Rattenberg


Fügenschuh: New school in Rattenberg

Architect Daniel Fügenschuh won the competition for an expansion for a secondary school in the...

TAO: new elementary school in Xiaoquan


TAO: new elementary school in Xiaoquan

Nine hundred children can attend the new elementary school in Xiaoquan, completed to plans by...

Arolat: Raif Dinçkök Yalova Cultural Center


Arolat: Raif Dinçkök Yalova Cultural Center

Raif Dinçkök Yalova cultural centre, near Istanbul, is a reflection on the theme of the...

Erika car park in Malmö harbour area


Erika car park in Malmö harbour area

The new Erika car park building near the harbour in Malmö, Sweden, reminds us that any...

Souto de Moura: Paula Rêgo Museum


Souto de Moura: Paula Rêgo Museum

Never sensationalist, Eduardo Souto de Moura’s architecture is determined by choices linked with...

A new public school in Cartagena


A new public school in Cartagena

Local building materials and techniques, integration of inside and outside and social value are the...

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